Thursday, April 28, 2011

the Call.

This is completely new to me. 
Never before have I been this anxious about a piece of somebody else's mail.
This one was determinate..
It was a call from the Lord. 
Questions flooded my impatient mind..

Where is He going?
What is He speaking?
How soon is He leaving?

Of course the one I am fretting the most over is...
tell me the date... 
let me know how much longer do I get to have you with me,
but the ones He was probably most concerned about 
were the "where" and "what language".
I was concerned with the "where" only because it affected the when He leaves.
I waited anxiously all day pondering over all of the different scenarios...
each with its pros and cons.
Telling myself the Lord knows where He needs him and when so not to worry..
but then still worrying and wondering anyways. 
Finally, around three, I got the opportunity to talk to Him 
and put my theories to rest. 

Knowing me well, He reads the date first to put my restless mind at ease:
August 10 (YES! We have the summer!)

Language came next:
Portugese (so exciting!)

then came the where:
Cape Verde (a small chain of islands off the African coast)

This is perfect everything about it is perfect. 
I know it is meant to be. 
My worries and frets are instantly deemed meaningless...
they're all lost within excitement and relief.
The Lord always knows exactly what He is doing. 
(I on the other hand do not, hence all the pointless worrying.)
Like I said at the start this was a first for me, but then again
 He is a first for me. 
He is different (in all the right ways). 
He is my BEST friend, 
We are going to have the BEST summer, 
He is going to be the BEST missionary. 

Emily Sue

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life Lessons.

Being an older sister...
I sometimes feel the responsibility to teach my younger siblings...
Life lessons.
So this Easter...
like every Easter before it.
I set a perfect example.
A perfect example on how you should hunt for eggs.
I empty my basket before the others...
and precede to tell them they need to learn something...
That they need to first take chances and initiative
 in order to be a champion!
I grab the first egg
and then the egg hunt begins... (it is pretty intense).
Of course I am the reigning Egg hunt champion in my house... 
I've won 18 years in a row
intend to continue winning. 

The totals this year were:
Sophie: 5 eggs
Chandler: 3 eggs
Emily: 27 eggs

My mom then tells the twins that if they ever want to conquer me they have to be sure they empty their baskets, be quick, and aggressive.
I finish by telling them that if they fail to do this they risk failing in life because the two are analogous.

(Don't worry I am a fair champion... I never keep all my eggs...I divvy up the winnings evenly.)

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!
and remember...
If you want to succeed in life...
always be on the hunt
and have your basket at the ready.

Emily Sue

The basket of a champion. 

My champion egg.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Attention college students:

Where does P.F.D. hurt...
 everywhere (especially on campus).....
Who does P.F.D. hurt....
 college students who care..
My roommate and I have recently diagnosed each other with this devastating disorder called P.F.D.
which stands for... 
Pre-Finals Depression...
It is warm outside, summer is 2 weeks away, and we are stuck inside slaving over a textbook. 
Symptoms include (but are not limited to): 

  • fantasies about giving up on life and running away to the circus
  • lapsing into mini-stare comas for over 2 minutes (instead of studying)
  • spending more than 20 minutes on facebook and then realizing you have no idea what you're doing
  • pushing the snooze button more than 5 times before class
  • forgetting your scantron on the day of the exam
  • watching glee instead of studying
  • finding yourself picking a country playlist
  • dreading in filling in small black bubbles
  • finding diverse ways to procrastinate (ex. indoor sit-down tennis)
  • giving up on dreams and deciding you're just going to be a stay at home mom at 18
  • wandering aimlessly around campus
  • calling your mom more than 3 times in one day
  • losing almost all motivation to do anything especially homework
Causes may include (but are not limited to): attending college, staying in your room studying for over 4 hours, finals week, eating chinese food because you don't want to cook, realizing you have to get a 93% on your final to pass, living in on-campus dorms, watching dancing with the stars, and/or having more than 3 finals.

Please raise awareness to help college students everywhere... cures and treatments must be discovered asap.  

For information, questions, or assistance with this problem please contact: a sympathetic college grad

(fine print: research has shown that being enrolled in college may be the sole cause of the disorder, may go away during the summer and then relapse two weeks before finals week, may possibly be highly contagious, no known cure has been discovered)

-(pre) Dr. Frampton

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Frozen Grapefruit.

A phone call from....
my favorite guy

late on a Sunday evening

Just to talk about...

for two hours :)

All the while eating...
frozen grapefruit.

Is enough to make me...
happier than I've been all week.

Thank goodness for...
frozen grapefruit.

But mostly thank goodness for...

Love, Em

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Worth a Shot

The only guns I had ever held before this weekend were:
 -squirt guns 
-nerf guns
-rubber band guns
& BB guns. 
However, dear friend Nate and I
 traversed up the mountain 
Where he taught me how to "cock, lock, and load"
a 12 gage shot gun 
his 22! 
He let me shoot both of them, which I had never done before. 
Not going to lie the shot gun scared me at first...
each time we shot it the sound of the blast reverberated throughout the entire canyon
(meanwhile deafening our ear drums). 
What I learned:
-hold shotguns very tight so the kick doesn't hurt
-possibly consider bringing ear plugs and targets
-shot guns blow things to smithereens 
- if your shoulder doesn't hurt will hurt the next morning...guaranteed 
-don't point your gun at anything you don't want to shoot...ever!
-you cannot load guns as fast as they do in C.O.D. without a ton of practice
-going shooting with guys is fun and educational if you get the chance to go 
Do It. 
Emily Sue

P.S. Here are some of the highlights of our venture: 
beautiful sunset

yup..we're outlaws.

in my sights.

shells as a souvenir/memory