Friday, November 18, 2011

Let it Snow.

Today I woke up to this forecast. 
There is something truly, divinely beautiful about weather. 
No matter who you are, rich or poor, the rain and snow fall on us all. 
We may try to predict it, but no matter how hard we may try we cannot recreate nor control it. 
We are all equal when it comes to the weather.
It puts us all on some sort of unexpected equal plane.
Instead of unsettling me,
this fact comforts me.
It reminds me that He is the ONLY one in control. 
Any misconception of my individual power to control things is swept away.
This is just one of the many reasons I love the snow and the weather.
It makes me and reminds me to Look Up... (<--click & read)
and in a life that can often bring us down...
oh how wonderful it feels to be able to look up.
Loving the snow,
Emily Sue 

P.S. Here are two pictures from campus today (and if I don't say so myself I go to school at one of the most beautiful University campuses in Utah from the buildings to the landscape..I love it). 
picture from my research lab window.

on the quad.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't Push Me..

Cause I'm close to the edge. 
I should probably rephrase that though 
say that I WAS close to the edge, but 
just in the nick of time
I was cut a break and a half. 
(through some truly divine intervention) 
Today has been wonderful. 
I have been so blessed. 
And as usual all I can do is look up, smile and say...
Thank you...for everything.

Remember friends although sometimes it may seem that all is lost...
the Lord is always mindful us 
things will happen when they're supposed to. 

Emily Sue

(p.s. the compensation post is still in the making)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lost in my mind.

I'm not quite sure anyone even reads my blog anymore, but for those of you who haven't quite given up on me. 
Thank you and I apologize. 
Things have been CRAZY busy lately and even though that sounds terribly cliche it is 100% true. 
So true....that I feel that amidst all of the rushing stressful business surrounding me I feel lost. Perhaps not literally lost, but more so just..
Lost in my mind. 
I don't know where I am and I can't seem to find myself lately. 
(I know that sounds a bit melancholy) 
but you can rest assured that despite being lost and feeling like
I have run head first into a brick wall....
I am determined to find myself once again.
Not sure how....but I'm gonna keep on trying till it sticks...
wish me luck.

Emily Sue

P.S. I apologize for the downer of a blog post. I promise to compensate for it soon.