Sunday, August 14, 2011

College Legos.

Ever since I was little, I have loved putting things together. 
My most recent project was a desk chair that I bought from IKEA.
(aka the land of confusing unfinished furniture)
I couldn't wait to put it together. :) 

Success!! Can't wait to use it this semester in college. 
Is it sad that this is how I spent my Saturday night?
But I loved it. 
I felt just like a little kid again.
Emily Sue

P.S. Did I mention...I love legos? & Always have.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Emotions.

Lately my emotions have been running around rampant 
like hyper little children. 
I can't control them and they can't control themselves. 
They like to take me on horrible heart wrenching rollercoaster rides....
that make me want to see my lunch again. 
I wish I could get them under control....
Put them down for a nap...
but instead I find my self yelling things like:
careful that's hot!
ahh not mommy's new toothbrush 
clean up after yourself!
Enough is Enough!
If you don't stop crying I am gonna give you something to cry about!
How many times to I have to tell you NO!? my many crazy metaphorical children.

Love a metaphorical emotionally drained mother,
Emily Sue

Monday, August 1, 2011

Vampire Weekday.

My tan this summer has suffered dramatically. 
Compared to the other summers of my life I am pathetically white. 
This is all probably due to the fact that 
I have been spending quite a few of my summer days 
indoors with a needle in someone else's arm. 
You could say that this summer I have become quite the professional vampire. 
I take other peoples' blood for a job. 
Is this creepy? 
Do I love it though? 
150 blood draws and counting. 

Love your blood drawing friend,
Emily Sue 

P.S. Despite my new found love of blood drawing....I still don't like Twilight. (Harry Potter fan for life!!!)

fresh footsteps.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known"
- Carl Sagan

-I've had the wonderful pleasure this summer
 of going places I've never been 
doing things I've never done. 
It is absolutely exhilarating. 
I love it. 

Hope you too have taken a step out 
of your warm comfort zone this summer 
and taken the opportunity to 
truly broaden your horizons. 
Doing so will only make your 
world bigger and brighter. 

Emily Sue

(picture taken at the Pleasant Grove "G" above beautiful Utah Valley during a summer sunset)