Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years Cliche.

An end is just a new beginning. When a door closes a window opens. When you're at the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on. Although I have made it through these past couple of years, I definitely have not made it through untouched or un-bruised.
In fact, as we roll towards the end of this year, I feel like a dollar bill $ that has been around the world, cashed, traded, changed, used, abused, ripped, torn, crumpled, folded, and put through the washing machine one too many times.
(Kind of like this dollar bill $)
Regardless of how this dollar bill looks and all that it has been through, it still retains its monetary value. It can still be used to make purchases and is regarded as viable currency. Just like this dollar bill maintains its value, I too retain my worth despite all I have been through. And unlike this dollar bill,  each day I have the opportunity to change, renew, or increase my value all the while retaining my original divine worth. Cliche: Yes. Comforting: Yes. Believed Whole Heartedly: Definitely Yes.

We must not forget the past...but in order to truly change for the better it is essential we move forward and don't look back.

Each year we are faced with and put through many situations that soon become experiences, but one of the benefits of time is that it moves on. Whether we like it or not, tomorrow brings with it more chances to try again. This new year I am determined to start anew and look not behind me because I am worth something and I can be and do whatever I desire.
2011 marks a new year. A new me. and if you choose it can mark a new you. 

Respectfully yours,
Emily Sue

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